Sunday, March 11, 2007

it's a bender off

made it to brunch but missed out on actually brunching

off to zeitgeist to begin the healing

so i hate bloody mary's cuz tomato juice and celery is gross to me.
but then i drank three, i guess i'm over it?

for hours i was fascinated by the wacky peeps that were there.
this isn't a good example but seriously california peeps are weirdo torpedo

i was calling josie george clooney

no you didn't!

again with the being too stoned thing

probably discussing the awesomeness of the metal shred from
the trife party

i was beside myself when the tamale lady showed up

it took sean a six pack just to feel normal. hahhahahha

for some reason we kinda got kicked out due to some words
exchanged between the barback and josie (it wasn't her fault!).
it was kinda funny tho cuz like 30 of us left.

back to getting awesomer

went to josie and peter's . this is their puppers brutus.

he was totally party'n

steve bee was loving all the priest that was playin'

miss brandy

ain't a party till the wrestling mask comes out

i think this is pensyl..??

we all wandered over to the hemlock. i am pretty much so drunkles
its a christmas miracle that i was capable of taking pictures

schmitty kept laughing at me. i would too.

humm. looking kinda redrunkulous himself..

jeanette looking to set off a dance party

it's like drunk brain waves are escaping from dan's head

kissy kiss

STILL laughing at me

cuzin was really blowin by laying on a couch all day.
he should really be getting back to work.

how am i taking pictures? how?

drunk cam

hearts, stars and rainbows to the SF crew!

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